Autonomous Case-Handling Robots (ACR)

These agile giants navigate narrow aisles with grace, optimizing vertical storage and unlocking new levels of warehouse capacity. Witness a transformation as ACRs redefine what's possible in storage and retrieval, making every inch count.

Unleashing Container Management Excellence with ACRs

In the symphony of container management, ACRs are the virtuoso performers, an unwavering commitment to excellence. From seaport container yards to automated warehouses, ACRs are the key to unlocking a new dimension in containerized logistics.

The versatility of ACRs makes them adaptable to various industries where containerized logistics is a key component of operations. Customization options and the ability to integrate with existing systems further enhance their applicability across diverse sectors.

Benefits of ACRs: A Thrill for Large Scale Operations

Efficiency Surge icon

Efficiency Surge

ACRs inject a surge of efficiency into container handling processes. With each orchestrated move, these systems redefine what’s possible, drastically reducing the time it takes to stack and retrieve containers and supercharging your overall throughput.

Space Marvels icon

Space Marvels

ACRs aren’t just about handling containers; they are space optimization marvels. Horizontal ACRs maximize the breadth of your space, while ACRs elevate your storage strategy, turning vertical space into a treasure trove of capacity.

Precision icon

Precision Precision Precision

ACRs operate with the precision of a virtuoso. Every container is handled with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring not a second is wasted and the integrity of your containerized inventory remains uncompromised.

Labor Liberation icon

Labor Liberation

Break free from labor-intensive container handling. ACRs liberate your operations from manual constraints, minimizing costs and enhancing safety by usering in an era where machines handle containers with precision and speed.

Unveiling the Power: Different Types of ACRs

A Horizontal ACR

Horizontal ACRs

Imagine a symphony of containers moving horizontally with choreographed precision. This is the magic of Horizontal ACRs, designed for expansive logistics hubs and seaport container yards, where every movement is a harmonious dance of efficiency.

A Vertical ACR

Vertical ACRs:

Redefining the skyline of container management, these marvels of technology elevate container handling to new heights -- literally. Perfect for high-density storage, Vertical ACRs stack and retrieve containers with gravity-defying prowess, maximize your vertical space like never before.

ACRs in Action: Use Cases that Redefine Possibilities

Automated Warehouses
Food & Beverage Distribution
Logistics & Freight Forwarding
Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
Automated Warehouses
Automated Warehouses

Automated Warehouses

Within the beating heart of automated warehouses, ACRs orchestrate a symphony of containerized inventory management. Swift, accurate and relentless, these systems ensure that containers move with the rhythm of precision, contributing to the seamless operation of high-density storage facilities.



Takeoff to efficiency heights! In automotive and manufacturing, where precision is non-negotiable, ACRs soar. Materials are effortlessly retrieved, production processes move blissfully, and the sky's not just the limit—it's the thrilling beginning.

Food & Beverage Distribution
Food & Beverage Distribution

Food & Beverage Distribution

CRs play a crucial role in the food and beverage distribution sector, where timely and precise handling of containers is essential to maintain product quality and meet distribution schedules. Cold storage facilities witness a revolution with ACRs. Perishables are handled with chill-inducing precision, and every movement is a calculated step towards maintaining the integrity of temperature-sensitive goods.

Logistics & Freight Forwarding
Logistics & Freight Forwarding

Logistics & Freight Forwarding

Companies in the logistics and freight forwarding sector benefit significantly from ACRs. These systems optimize container handling, reduce manual labor requirements and enhance the overall efficiency of logistics operations.

Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
Pharmaceutical & Healthcare

Pharmaceutical & Healthcare

For pharmaceutical and healthcare pioneers, ACRs script a new narrative. Containers move with pharmaceutical precision, ensuring that inventory is not just managed but orchestrated with lifesaving efficiency.

Join us on the journey to a more automated and efficient future. Contact today to explore how ASRS can revolutionize your industry.

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Autonomous Mobile Robots & Automated Guided Vehicles (AMRs & AGVs)

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